By: Douglas Ogbankwa Esq.
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines Process as:
A Series of Action You Take in Order to Achieve Results
Process is one concept most people misconstrue.When you celebrate geniuenely successful people ,have you bordered reading their profile or autobiography?
It was the American Poet -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that said:
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night
Real Success does not come in a day, it follows process. Forget about those young boys and girls driving flashy cars and wearing bow’s straight hair, with out any visible source of income. We have seen their type before. Check them in 15 to 20 Years from now , except they retraced their steps, they will be nowhere, while those young boys and girls working hard today and making a decent living, will be in the helms of affairs of this Country.
About 30 Years ago, there was a popular fraudster. He had so much money, many flashy cars, palatial houses and a retinue of security aides He was mentioned by almost all reigning Juju Musicians of that time in their albums. There were 3 other Young Men, all of them his contemporaries. One of them was his class mate. They were trekking to and from work and earning pea nuts at the time as salaries, while the Fraudster was living in ostentatious opulence.
Thirty Years later, the Fraudster is in prison. One of the young men has become the Governor of a State and he is now even a Federal Minister. Of the other two young men, one is the Vice President of Nigeria, while the other, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, has served as President of the Nigerian Bar Association.
You cannot cheat process, it is process that will cheat you. If you got a job ,do not have the salary in mind, because some times in Nigeria, you do not work for the salary, you work for the Experience.
In Nigeria, you have a Catch 22 Problem: You can not get a job in Nigeria, except you have an experience, you can not have an experience, except you have a job.
So, to get the experience that will land you the big job ,you have work for experience and not for money. There are even some professional jobs, that even if they said they will not pay you, you would work for free, because of the on the job training you will receive that you cannot pay for. Do it as a trade off!
Some Youth Corpers pay money to get some places of primary assignments during their Service Year, even if they know they will not be paid, they just want to get the requisite experience for that one year, that will see them through life.
If your father is not Dangote, Adenuga, Otedola and the likes, you have to work extra harder and smarter to make it in Nigeria. Following Process is a veritable key to achieving success. Patience, Perseverance, Integrity, honesty, hardwork and trustworthiness is key in this regard.
Nnamdi Azikiwi,the First President of Nigeria said:
Surulere– Patience has rewards.
About the Author:
Douglas Ogbankwa Esq.,is Benin Based Lawyer and Public Affairs Analyst.