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It is with the greatest of pleasure that I congratulate you on your induction into the Nigerian Bar. This journey of a thousand miles began with a step, and the euphoria of a successful sojourn through the Nigerian Law School and the feared Bar Finals is one that is better experienced than explained.

As we mark this momentous milestone, you must remember that as this door closes, several others open. The end of one journey is the beginning of another: your life as a Lawyer. 

It is therefore important that I share some priceless pointers that would help set you on a path to success in this noblest of all professions and callings.

1. Work Hard

The Legal Profession is built on the foundation of precedents established over thousands of years. There is no substitute for hard work, indeed, the Lady Justicia is known to reward hard work. Pour yourself into every task, assignment, case or transaction you are given. A strong work ethic is an advantage in this profession. Whether you’re in-house, or a fee earner, public or private sector, be willing to push beyond your comfort zone and put in your best at all times.

2. Work Smart

As a follow-up to the preceding point, hard work must be worked smartly. We live in a digital economy and have access to different types of tools, resources, assets and information. As a lawyer you must acquire the skills to leverage technology tools to provide better services faster and more efficiently to your clients. When combined with hard work, working smart will help you achieve your career goals faster than you could have dreamed.

3. Network with Mentors

There are different levels of networking that will be beneficial to you professionally and personally but that is a topic for another day. Today we will address networking with mentors. 

A mentor in this sense is someone who demonstrates qualities you would like to model yourself after as a lawyer. You may have a personal relationship you’re your mentor or you may admire them from afar. In any event, it is important to recognize someone who embodies qualities that you admire, and to interact with them at some level. Mentors can provide guidance and advice that will save you the tears and heartache of learning from your own mistakes as you begin your path in this noble profession. You can find mentors in specialized groups, bodies and forums within the profession. For example, if you’re interested in IP (everyone should be) you should join the Intellectual Property Institute Nigeria. The opportunities for vertical networking are enormous. You can thank me later.

4. Open your mind to continuous learning and growth Lawyers are referred to as ‘Learned’. Attaining the qualification of ‘Barrister-at-Law’ is a commitment to a lifetime of learning. I encourage you to be hungry for knowledge. 

Strive to update your knowledge of the fundamentals of law practice and of areas of specialization that appeal to you. You must keep yourself abreast of developments on the position of the law as it is on a lot of issues.

There is no end to learning and you will find that your thirst for more knowledge will grow as you ascend in the profession. This will make you indispensable to colleagues and clients. 

It this will help you when dealing with issues wherever you find yourself as you would have information at your fingertips to deliver on whether before clients, courts or business meetings. You must know your law as much as you can, thus, the essence of continuous legal education and development for you cannot be over-emphasized. I encourage you to access the wealth of knowledge provided on the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education platforms.

5. Honesty must be your watch word

It is important to state that as a legal practitioner, your word must always and all the time be your bond. You must be truthful to your clients, to the courts and to your colleagues. This will go a long way to help define your reputation as one who does not compromise on the truth, which is what the profession requires of you anyway. You must strive to be above board at all times as eyes will perpetually be on you. You must not disappoint your family, your friends and yourself. 

In wishing you success, I pray the Almighty grants you strength and grace to be the best that you can be.

Anthony Bamidele Ojo, Esq. 

Chairman, New Wigs Induction, Placement and Mentorship Committee, 

NBA Garki Branch.

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