Distinguished Learned Seniors and Colleagues, it is with a huge sense of responsibility that I inform you that I have submitted my nomination form for the office of the Publicity Secretary of our great branch on the 13th of April, 2023.
I’m ready to make the huge commitment to put myself out for service to the Premier Bar. If elected, I’m ready to work with the Chairman and other members of the Executive Committee to improve on the work that has been done by the current administration.
I acknowledge the very excellent work that has been done by Elo Adhekpukoli, the current Publicity Secretary and I’m very confident of my ability to improve on it.
The Premier Bar has been the pacesetter amongst the branches of the Nigerian Bar Association and this has to be sustained. I intend to share my action plan with you once the Electoral Committee gives the go ahead.
I thank you all of the huge support and encouragement so far. I’m indeed grateful and I hope that I continue to enjoy your support on this journey.
Bayo Olusanya
Aspirant for the office of the Publicity Secretary of the NBA Lagos Branch.
16th April, 2023.