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HomeNewsLET US WALK THE TALKFormer secretary of NBA Ikeja Branch, CHINEDU IFEZUE,...

Former secretary of NBA Ikeja Branch, CHINEDU IFEZUE, urges members to massively attend the 2023 AGM of NBA

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Dear seniors and colleagues of Ikeja Bar,

Today is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of our great association, which is usually the last of the major events of our Annual General Conference.

As you may already know, this year’s AGM comes with a lot of tension among colleagues, particularly because of the proposed constitutional amendment which forms the crux of the agenda of the meeting.

Many branches, including our highly reverred Ikeja Branch have made clear, their rejection of the proposed amendment. The stand of our Branch is contained her resolution of 22nd August 2023, which was reached at the Emergency General Meeting of same date.

However, in order to effectively give life to this resolution, your presence at the AGM is required. We as members of the foremost branch of NBA must not only attend the AGM, but also make our voices heard. Please be reminded that registration for the AGC is not a condition for the attendance of the AGM.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM and I wish all members of the association a fruitful deliberation.

Chinedu Ifezue

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