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HomeNewsChukwuka Ikwuazom SAN elevated the Premier Bar to new heights during his...

Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN elevated the Premier Bar to new heights during his tenure as Chairman of NBA Lagos Branch – Olamiposi Akinsulire-Jinadu, MCIArb, LLM (Scotland)

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Transposing his remarkable qualities to the national stage will greatly benefit the NBA as an institution and its members.

Since meeting Chuka in 2016, he has become both my brother and my friend, encouraging my involvement in NBA Lagos Branch activities. His friendship and brotherhood have been a true blessing to me, both personally and professionally. Chuka’s many public achievements pale in comparison to his private, unheralded virtues. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time to listen. He is a walking encyclopedia and an extraordinary gentleman. A Numero Uno, adorned with Class and Humanity, Unbiased, Keen, and Authentic.

Chuka elevated the Premier Bar to new heights during his tenure as Chairman of NBA Lagos Branch (res ipsa loquitur). Transposing his remarkable qualities to the national stage will greatly benefit the NBA as an institution and its members. Voting for #ManlikeChuka means voting for Capacity, Humility, Unity, Kindness, and the Advancement of the NBA. Chuka is the genuine deal, the clear advantage.

Olamiposi Akinsulire-Jinadu, MCIArb, LLM (Scotland)

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